© St Vincents NS 2024
On the morning of 7th May 2022 during the very early hours a few staff members, parents and two of our senior students set out to join the thousands in the Phoenix Park to take part in Darkness into Light. Luckily the rain held off and we all really enjoyed the experience soaking up the atmosphere. It was a very special journey to have together as we all chatted and checked in with each other as we walked. As night became day we all were reminded that even in the darkest of days, brighter times are always just peaking over the horizon. We decided to try to get a group together to participate in this event as part of our Amber Flag inititive in conjunction with Pieta House. We have been working hard all year to gain our Amber Flag for St. Vincents School. It is all about promoting wellbeing in schools with both students and staff. This was the last event for this year but we are committed to continuing the great work of the staff and students for future years to come. We hope to hear some good news if our application has been a success in the coming weeks. We would like to sincerely thank the parents, students and staff who joined us. Sincerley, The Amber Flag Committee